At the last General Meeting of the Fair Rubber Association at the end of April 2022, members confirmed Chairman David Löw Beer in office for another two years. Felix Jahn, CSR officer at bicycle tire manufacturer Schwalbe, was also elected as a new member of the board. He has also taken over the position of second chair. The previous second chair Duncan Jepson from the NGO Liberty recently resigned from the board at his own request. David Croft of Reckitt continues to serve on the board by rotation. A successor to Duncan is currently being sought.
What actually is the composition of the board of the Fair Rubber Association? The association’s statutes stipulate that the board should be made up of equal numbers of representatives from members with commercial interests (companies) and non-commercial interests (usually non-governmental organizations). In this way, social and ecological concerns are to be reconciled with economic ones. All members of the Fair Rubber Association and their representatives on the Board of Directors agree that the greatest goal and strength of Fair Rubber remains the improvement of the living conditions of the primary producers of rubber in the countries of origin.
However, one goal in the composition of the board has not yet been achieved: the stronger representation of women! This should change as soon as possible.