If you want to help the Fair Rubber Association to improve the working and living conditions in the production of natural rubber, membership of the Fair Rubber Association is open to individuals, companies an institutions. In the Association, companies selling products from Fairly Traded natural latex work together with representatives of civil society, who support the expansion of Fair Trade. The Association strives to find new members for Fair Rubber, it decides about the admission of new supplier partners and members and it develops communication and PR strategies for Fairly traded rubber. If you are interested in joining, please get in touch with our executive secretary. We look forward to hearing from you, whether you trade in natural rubber products or whether you simply support our aims.

There are different ways to become a member of the Fair Rubber Association:

  • Members with a commercial interest, in particular companies which trade products made with natural rubber in line with the Fair Trade criteria of the Association (or have the intention of doing so).
  • Members who are not involved commercially, but are made up of individuals or institutions that support the aim of the Fair Rubber Association.
  • Sustaining members.

The membership fees charged to those groups differ, as do the conditions for membership. If you are interested, please contact the office for details.