The aim of the Fair Rubber Association is to contribute to an improvement of the working and living conditions of the primary producers of natural latex (rubber). To achieve this, the Fair Rubber Association is a a multi-stakeholder initiative and has among its members companies, which buy Fairly produced rubber (products) from supplier partner. These companies pay a Fair Trade premium for every kilogram of rubber they buy – the association ensures that this money reaches the supplier partners. Products traded under these criteria are distinguished by displaying the Fair Rubber logo. Of course, supplier partners themselves decide what they want to do with the Fair Trade premium. Supplier partners have to comply with a criteria list. The Fair Rubber Association was founded in 2012. Due to its diverse membership it acts as a platform of co-operation between companies which trade in products made with Fairly Traded natural rubber and representatives of the civil society which support the expansion of the concept of Fair Trade.Since 2019, the Fair Rubber Association has been subscriber of the International Social and Environmental Accreditation and Labelling Alliance (ISEAL Alliance), a global membership association for credible sustainability standards.
You can find more information on the companies who are members of the Fair Rubber Association and who are using Fairly produced rubber in their products, as well as our members without commercial interest in rubber here.
At present the Fair Rubber Association is cooperating with the following suppliers of Fairly Traded natural rubber: Frocester and Lalan Rubbers Ltd. (Sri Lanka) as well as New Ambadi (South India). Recently, a small farmers group from Thailand (Green Net) and one from Sri Lanka (ASR) have become part of the Fair Rubber Association. More information about our partners, you can find here. Fair Rubber is open for cooperation with new producer partners, provided that such an expansion of the supplier base is justified by a matching demand for products made with fairly traded natural rubber products.
Mattresses, condoms, hot water bottles, balloons, rubber boots, rubber bands – there is a large supply of products using fairly produced rubber. Here you can get information about the products and producers.