The aim of the Fair Rubber Association is the expansion and application of the concept of Fair Trade for products made from natural rubber. In the Fair Rubber Association, companies engaged in rubber products, Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs), and individuals work together.The ultimate aim of the Association is to thereby contribute to an improvement of the working and living conditions of the primary producers of natural latex (rubber), as well as promote the environmentally friendly production natural rubber, as chemical free production first and foremost benefits those engaged in the cultivation of the natural rubber. The most important instrument of Fair Rubber is the Fair Rubber logo for products which fulfil the criteria of Fair trade in natural rubber.

For member companies and licensees, paying a Fair Trade premium is a key commitment. The Fair Rubber Association monitors both the transfer of funds and the decision on what Fair Trade premiums are used for the decisive criterion here is that the rubber producers can decide themselves how to use the additional income. Adherence to the Fair Rubber criteria is controlled by independent auditing firms – whereby (unlike most other ‘labels’) the Fair Rubber Association pays the costs for these audits: As we cannot guarantee whether/how many orders and thus Fair Trade payments go to a producer partner, we want to make sure that participation in Fair Trade does not lead to extra costs for disadvantaged producers.


Flip-flops from Norway?! Since 2019, Sleepers are on the market with the Fair Rubber logo

EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) – Implications on the Rubber Sector

Did you know that rubber trees have sweet spots? Natural rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis) are, of course, best known for the production of latex milk

When leaf death comes with the wind A fungus threatens global rubber production over the past few years


The low world market price paid for rubber and bad working conditions, make it very difficult for the tappers, plantation workers and small farmers to support themselves and their families with their own labour. This is where the Fair Rubber Association wants to help. Paying a Fair Trade premium to the primary producers ensures to the extent possible that even during periods of depressed world market prices, the costs of production are covered and the suppliers have a surplus. Crucially this allows them to improve their working and living conditions. The decision as to how they would spend the Fair Trade premium, of course, remains with the primary producers. Here, you can find more information about the Fair Trade projects and the criteria for Fairly traded rubber. The Fair Rubber Association also supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) set by the United Nations (UN) in 2015. For more information, see under Download.