English Articles

An Equitable Distribution of Value?

The Global Platform for Sustain-able Natural Rubber, originally founded in October 2018, has recently published a document with the title ‘GPSNR Desired State’: “The Global Platform for Sustain-able Natural Rubber (GPSNR) is committed to creating a sustain-able global natural rubber value chain by ensuring high standards in the following areas: Environmental, Social, Economic.”The document then

An Equitable Distribution of Value? Weiterlesen »

Where the rubber hits the road:The World’s First Fairly Traded Tyre

Schwalbe, the world’s premier brand of bicycle tyres, has joined the Fair Rubber Association (FRA) and produces the world’s first Fairly Traded tyres: The‘Marathon E-plus’ for e-bikes. Second in line: “The tyre for cargo bikes ‘Pick-Up’easily gets any load of up to 300 kg rolling”. The launch fell victim to Covid, as the bicycle fair

Where the rubber hits the road:The World’s First Fairly Traded Tyre Weiterlesen »

A Wedding and Some Funerals

The decision on how to spend Fair Trade premium payments rests with the primary producers. In the case of plantations, a representative ‘joint body’ of plantation workers decides. And over the years, they have come up with some surprising decisions. Two examples show the breadth of usage – and their implications:Fifty-two year old S. V.

A Wedding and Some Funerals Weiterlesen »

Size Matters

The Fair Rubber Association is sometimes asked, why the share of Fairly Traded rubber is so small. There are a number of key reasons. One is, that natural rub-ber can, to some extent, be substituted for by synthetic rubber (which is made from petroleum). And if petroleum is cheap – as it is nowadays, why

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