1.5 million euros in fair trade premium for farmers and tappers

Companies that join the Fair Rubber Association pay an annual membership fee based on company sales and a fair trade premium per kilogram of rubber purchased.

Since the summer of 2012, approximately 2,960 tons of Dry Rubber Content (DRC) have been traded that meet the criteria for Fair Trade rubber. Over the past 10 years, sales have steadily increased. The increase in the past two years has been particularly high due to the entry of new members with large purchase volumes.  As a result, the Fair Rubber Association has been able to provide almost 1.5 million euros in premiums for producer partners since its foundation (as of August 2022).

The Fair Rubber partners in the regions of origin decide on the use of the premium payments. Among other things, the following social and ecological projects have been financed:

– First private supplementary pension insurance for rubber plantation employees in India;

– Provision of clean water for 64 families on a plantation in Sri Lanka;

– Expansion of processing capacity at the smallholder farmers’ association in Sri Lanka so that new members could be admitted;

– Construction of a biogas plant for water purification and gas supply at the smallholders’ association in Sri Lanka;

– Providing electricity to 21 families of plantation workers in Sri Lanka, enabling their children to do their homework after dark;

– Aid for medical treatment for community members.